Authenticity… is it the greatest Interview Competency?

Authenticity... is it the greatest Interview Competency?

It’s all a matter of Trust… When an airline offers a position on the flight deck, it is under pressure to select the best candidates, to be excellent professional pilots for the organisation. This could be a thirty year plus career, and we all want to the best members on our team. So while airlines […]

Is SCOTT better than SWOT? Preparing for your Pilot Assessment

Is SCOTT better than SWOT?

In preparation, for Pilot assessment and interview, we are very familiar with the SWOT analysis popularised by Albert Humphrey in the Stanford Institute in the 1960s.The Strengths -Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats grid can be a useful tool in all career and business decisions. However, in my experience, I believe for successful Pilot Career progression a different, if similar […]

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